Asie de l'Est

The people of Asie de l'Est desperately need to know the future et hope that Jesus offers.

One man, Mr S, was the only believer in his village for all his adult life, until God led our workers to live there. Now three of his life-long friends join us regularly on Sundays: though they are slow to open up, we can see God at work in their lives, and we believe that they are on their way to becoming fishers of men.

Truth is understood to be relative rather than absolute, and many people participate in childhood Shinto blessing rituals, then have a Christian-style wedding and a Buddhist funeral. Those looking for clearer answers in life have often been deceived by cults, and now there is a widespread feeling that ‘religion is dangerous’. There are no legal restrictions on sharing the gospel in Japan, but in this confused spiritual atmosphere, much prayer is needed for breakthrough: the church is small, and many rural towns and villages have no contact with faith-filled Christians. 

OMS est-ce que nous servir in East Asia?

Our focus is on the people living in rural areas of the Izu Peninsula in Japan.  

Comment est-ce que nous servir?

We minister to them through local church ministry, church planting, English & Bible clubs for children, evangelism et discipleship, and environmental projects. 

Quel est notre vision for East Asia?

Our vision is to engage the Japanese and worldwide church in prayer and action, and work together to see God’s kingdom établi in the least-reached rural areas of Japan.

In addition to en cherchant to strengthen existing ministries, we are actively praying about expansion into new areas and countries. 

Vouloir savoir plus à propos Asie de l'Est?

Façons de servir:

Children & Families Ministry, Church Planting, English Language Teaching, Evangelism & Discipleship

Quelles sont les compétences nécessaires ?

English and music teachers are much in demand hereWe are also seeking people able to lead in worship and prayer.

What short-term opportunities are there?

English and music teachers are much in demand hereWe are also seeking people able to lead in worship and prayer.

Où nous fabriquons Jésus connu