We desire to see innovative, fertile and lifegiving projects, with sustainable new ideas to meet emerging needs.
Despite 2000 years of Christian history, since the days of the early church, Spain has not experienced a move of God in revival. It is one of the countries with the lowest rate of active believers in the western world. The founder of our company, traveling across the country on his way to the Muslim world, would prayerfully ask ‘And here, when, Lord?’ That was more than 40 years ago. We are heirs to that prayer.
What was unexpected was the arrival of Ukrainian war refugees, and we have found opportunities to serve them. In addition to them, the patient labor of years has borne fruit in other relationships and friendships. Spain is a country where indifference to the gospel rules. Any expression of wanting to know more about Christ is a small victory.
OMS Hacemos atender in Spain?
We work among nationals, immigrants and refugees.
Cómo Hacemos atender?
We minister to them through the local church directly planted by us, serving in existing local churches, training and discipleship, pioneering ministry in villages without churches, social work together with other NGOs (e.g. Remar, Red Cross, etc.), and business initiatives.
cual es nuestro visión for Spain?
Some things never change: the vision is that more people would come to know the Lord. The methods, tools, and equipment do have to evolve, according to the times. We are looking for couples, families, young people, singles with a desire to serve God, sowing their lives in a country where living is pleasant but ministering is hard.
Formas de servir:
Negocios como misión, plantación de iglesias, evangelismo y discipulado, desarrollo de escuelas primarias
¿Qué habilidades se necesitan?
We are specifically looking for a web developer and a photographer/videographer. A cook and/or those with hospitality experience. A mason and/or a plumber.