West Africa

We started working in this region 40 years ago as World Horizons was being formed and started.

Our work here was birthed from trips driving across the Sahara praying and asking God how we were to respond to these under-served peoples. Teams were trained and sent and we’ve seen God do exciting things with church networks established and schools started. 

We see this as the future of our work into Africa – serving and supporting local believers and workers; seeing them trained and sent to more remote regions. 

We have seen God do exciting things during our 40 years in the Sahel – church networks have been planted, many hundreds of local workers and local pastors trained as well as schools, nutrition projects and prison work established.

Who do we serve in West Africa?

In the Sahel region we are serving a diverse demographic of people; including displaced peoples and refugees, local pastors, school children and prisoners. 

How do we serve?

We are training and supporting local pastors to be sent to challenging and remote areas within the region, for them to church plant or strengthen existing churches. 

We have established schools in the region, a sewing project, a nutrition project, training and work into a local prison and a dentistry work.

What is our vision for West Africa?

The Sahel regions has significant humanitarian needs due to challenges such as conflict, poverty, climate change, food insecurity and political instability. Therefore, our work there must be holistic in its approach. The future of this region is in training and supporting local workers, rather than seeking to establish large international teams. 

Want to know more about West Africa?

Ways to Serve:

Business as Mission, Church Planting, Evangelism & Discipleship, Primary School Development

What skills are needed?

Our current work in the Sahel requires people who are willing to pioneer a new season, in a holistic and sustainable way. There is real opportunity to send teachers, theological trainers and educators to help with the continuous development of local pastors, workers and teachers. Health care is a significant need within the region, it would be exciting to see sustainable health care models established with health care workers sent to work and train others. 

Where we make Jesus known